We at ReLeaf have been busy with a number of activities, including:
2024 January - Tree Preservation Grant
We are staring a new, innovative program with a 3-year almost $190,000, grant from the Virginia Department of Forestry. Now we will be able to offer free tree care to preserve mature trees in two low-income areas of the City. Preserving existing trees is even more important than planting new trees, which can take 15-20 years to provide the benefits of existing trees.
2024 Clean Virginia Grant
Clean Virginia awarded us a grant to expand our educational programs and hold a 2025 Environmental Education Summit, to gather over 40 local organizations to help build a new generation of environmental leaders.
2023-2024 - Virginia Department of Forestry Grant
With grants over $67,000 from Virginia Department of Forestry, we have planted 129 trees on both private and public properties in the Rose Hill neighborhood and 140 in the Woolen Mills.
2023 July: Green Team Makes The News
For the second summer, our program taught teenagers about the value of trees and nature in the City. Steve Gaines, the City Urban Forester, took us to Washington Park; the Master Naturalists joined us at Ivy Creek; C3 educated us about climate change; and Van Yahres Tree Company shared the basics of tree care and safely climbing trees. This fall the Green Team will help plant trees in the Rose Hill neighborhood. Fortunately, we received much attention from the press, including NBC29, Daily Progress and WVTF radio.
2023 June : Local Sierra Club Award
Calling us “unsung heroes’, the local Sierra Club awarded us an Earth Flag for our work planting and protecting trees in local neighborhoods.
2023 May: Environmental Career Fair at CHS
Working in partnership with CHS’s Environmental Science and the Urban Farming teachers, we held our second career fair. Over 25 environmental vendors/organizations and 250 students attended the event.
2022 November: Tree Planting in 10th & Page Neighborhood
With only 70 homeowners in our target area of 10th and Page, we had a goal of persuading 20 residents to accept a tree. Much to our surprise, we were able to get commitments for 39 trees, almost doubling our goal. With so many trees to plant, we decided to plant some with our teenage Green Team and hire a contractor to plant the rest. On a sunny Saturday in November, Charlottesville High School students planted trees at their homes in 10th and Page. In late November, Javier Becerra Landscaping’s energetic crews planted 35 trees in one day.
2022 April: Arbor Day Tree Checkups
On a rainy spring day, 11 crew members from the Van Yahres Tree Company checked out 39 trees at 10th and Page. They pruned for better future growth, applied new mulch, and staked where necessary. And pruned one neighbor’s large maple.
2022 April: Environmental Career Fair at Charlottesville High School
Working in partnership with the Environmental Science and the Urban Farming teachers, we held this Career Fair for two years just before Arbor Day. Over 28 environmental venders and organizations participated to teach teenagers about the value of trees and the natural environment. Also, we make these teens aware of jobs in the “green industries” and possible summer jobs or internships.
2022| A Presentation to Elementary Schools - “Why Trees are Important to You”
In the past year, ReLeaf members went to Burnley Moran and Venable to enlighten the 3rd and 4th graders on the importance of trees and engaged in tree-related activities on their playgrounds.